Learning lexical scales: Review data
- Overview
- Data
- Columns
- Category sizes
- Word counts
- Word distributions
- Raw Count values are misleading
- A general plotting function
- Relative frequencies
- Probabilities
- A function for phrase frames
- Assessment methods
- Expected ratings
- Logistic regression
- Putting it together
- Methods for generating scales
- Values
- Creating scales
- Exercises
This section uses words — here, (string, pos) pairs — gathered
from a large online collection of informal texts to try to build
lexical scales of a sort that could be used for calculating scalar
conversational implicatures. We start by figuring out how best to
study word distributions, then look at two methods (expected ratings
and logistic regression) for assessing and summarizing those
distributions and, in turn, for creating scales from them.
Associated reading:
Code and data:
The file imdb-words.csv consists of
data gathered from the user-supplied reviews at
the IMDB. I suggest that you take a
moment right now to browse around the site a bit to get a feel for the
nature of the reviews — their style, tone, and so forth.
The focus of this section is the relationship between the review
authors' language and the star ratings they choose to assign, from the
range 1-10 stars (with the exception of This is Spinal Tap,
which goes to 11). Intuitively, the idea is that the author's chosen
star rating affects, and is affected by, the text she produces. The
star rating is a particular kind of high-level summary of the
evaluative aspects of the review text, and thus we can use that
high-level summary to get a grip on what's happening
The star rating is primarily an indicator of the speaker/author
vantage point. However, there is good reason to believe that
readers/hearers are able to accurately recover the chosen star rating
based on their reading of the text. Potts (2011)
reports on an experiment conducted with Amazon's Mechanical Turk
(Snow et al. (2008),
Munro et al. (2011))
in which subjects were presented with
130-character reviews from OpenTable.com and asked to guess which
rating the author of the text assigned (1-5 stars).
Figure MTURK
summarizes the results: the author's actual rating is on the x-axis,
and the participants' guesses on the y-axis. The responses have been
jittered around so that they don't lie atop each other. The plot also
includes median responses (the black horizontal lines) and boxes
surrounding 50% of the responses. The figure reveals that
participants were able to guess with high accuracy which rating the
author assigned; the median value is always the actual value, with
nearly all subjects guessing within one star rating.
In creating imdb-words.csv, I took a
number of steps to get as close as possible to a set of linguistically
respectable word-like objects:
- The texts were tagged using the Stanford Log-Linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger.
- The tags were then collapsed into the WordNet tags:
r (adverb).
Words whose tags were not part of those supercategories were filtered off.
- This smaller list of words was then stemmed using the
high-precision WordNet tagger (accessible from the
NLTK's ntk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer
class). This stemmer basically just removes inflectional
morphology. For example, whereas (helps,
v) and (helped, v) collapse to
(help, v), (helpless,
a) is left untouched. In addition, this stemmer always
returns lexical items, unlike, for example,
the Porter
stemmer, which is very aggressive and often returns approximations of bound morphemes.
The column values for the file are as follows:
- Word: the unigram. (Each word–tag pair is repeated n times,
where n is the number of categories for the corpus.)
- Tag: the WordNet category for
- Category: 1..10.
- Count: the total number of tokens of
(Word,Tag) in Category.
- Total: the total number of word
tokens in Category. (These values are
constant for all words but repeated for each for ease of
Since the file is in CSV (spreadsheet, tabular) format, it can be
worked with using a variety of tools. This page uses R, for reasons
discussed in the course overview.
First, move to the directory that contains the file and read it in:
- imdb = read.csv('imdb-words.csv')
The R head command displays the first
n rows along with the header row. It's a
useful way to make sure the data were read in correctly and to get a
sense for the values (the first "word" in the
file, (aa, n), is not especially
- head(imdb, n=10)
- Word Tag Category Count Total
1 aa n 1 38 25395214
2 aa n 2 15 11755132
3 aa n 3 29 13995838
4 aa n 4 10 14963866
5 aa n 5 10 20390515
6 aa n 6 43 27420036
7 aa n 7 78 40192077
8 aa n 8 94 48723444
9 aa n 9 87 40277743
10 aa n 10 114 73948447
Before we look at any words in detail, it is important to get a
sense for what the overall distribution of the data is like. As noted
above, the Total column values are the same
for all words, repeated only to make tabular processing easier. Let's
look at just those values:
- ## Get the first 10 rows, and just the Category and Total columns:
- totals = imdb[seq(1:10), c('Category', 'Total')]
- ## Look at the results:
- totals
- Category Total
1 1 25395214
2 2 11755132
3 3 13995838
4 4 14963866
5 5 20390515
6 6 27420036
7 7 40192077
8 8 48723444
9 9 40277743
10 10 73948447
Eyeballing these values, one can see that they have a rough
J-shape. Plotting the data makes this even clearer:
- ## Basic plotting with no axes so that we can improve them:
- barplot(totals$Total, names.arg=totals$Category,
main='IMDB total word counts',
xlab='Category', ylab='Total (in millions)', axes=FALSE)
- ## Round to the nearest million for the y-axis labels:
- ylabs = round(totals$Total/1000000, 0)
- ## Display the actual values along the y-axis, rounded as above:
- axis(2, at=totals$Total, labels=ylabs, las=1)
The total number of words represented is the row-count divided by
10, since each word gets ten rows. (If a word does not appear in a
given Category,
its Count value is 0 there.)
- ## nrow() returns the number of rows for its data.frame argument.
- nrow(imdb) / 10
- [1] 63104
The Total values represent true token
counts for the entire corpus. As discussed
above, I did a lot of winnowing of the data to create this file,
so the Count sums don't match
the Total values in the way one might
expect. Compare the following values with those of
figure TOTALS:
- ## xtabs creates contingency tables. Here we sum Count values by Category.
- subsetTotals = xtabs(Count ~ Category, data=imdb)
- subsetTotals
- Category
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
14175901 6603018 7890052 8472447 11567148 15597267 22844353 27662218 22761315 41432498
This is really just a reminder that we're looking at a subset of
the data. Happily, the category sizes for our subset are proportional
to the full totals we are working with, as is evident from plotting
the two sets of totals side-by-side in a barplot:
- ## Create a matrix of the two totals vectors:
- m = matrix(c(totals$Total, subsetTotals), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
- ## Add intuitive labels:
- colnames(m) = totals$Category
- rownames(m) = c('Total', 'SubsetTotal')
- ## Generate the plot:
- barplot(m, names.arg=totals$Category,
main='IMDB total word counts',
xlab='Category', ylab='Total (in millions)', axes=FALSE,
col=c('black', 'gray'))
- ## The left y-axis gets the Total values:
- total.ylabs = round(totals$Total/1000000, 0)
- axis(2, at=totals$Total, labels=total.ylabs, las=1, col='black')
- ## The right y-axis gets the SubsetTotal values:
- subtotal.ylabs = round(subsetTotals/1000000, 0)
- axis(4, at=subsetTotals, labels=subtotal.ylabs, las=1, col='gray')
- ## Plot legend. The first two arguments are position coordinates:
- legend(1, y=max(totals$Total),
legend=c('Total', 'SubsetTotal'), fill=c('black', 'gray'))
Thus, we could work with either set of values, I'd say. Our sample
seems to be unbiased with regard to the nature of the
categories. (This is not a foregone conclusion; we might have
accidentially filtered off more 1-star words than 10-star ones, for
example. It looks like this didn't happen, though.) I work with the
Total values from here on out, for
conceptual simplicity.
This section builds towards a preferred method for studying the
distribution of words across the rating categories. I illustrate with
(bad, a). Let's start by reading in its
subframe and having a look at it:
- ## Grab the subframe:
- bad = subset(imdb, Word=='bad' & Tag=='a')
- ## Have a look at it:
- bad
- Word Tag Category Count Total
37201 bad a 1 122232 25395214
37202 bad a 2 40491 11755132
37203 bad a 3 37787 13995838
37204 bad a 4 33070 14963866
37205 bad a 5 39205 20390515
37206 bad a 6 43101 27420036
37207 bad a 7 46696 40192077
37208 bad a 8 42228 48723444
37209 bad a 9 29588 40277743
37210 bad a 10 51778 73948447
As we saw above, the raw Count values
are likely to be misleading due to the very large size imbalances
among the categories. For example, there are more tokens
of (bad, a) in 10-star reviews than in
2-star ones, which seems highly counter-intuitive. Plotting the
values reveals that the Count distribution
is very heavily influenced by the overall distribution of words:
- ## Plot with type='b' to show both the data points and lines connecting them:
- plot(bad$Category, bad$Count,
main='Counts of (bad, a) in IMDB', xlab='Category', ylab='Count',
pch=19, type='b', axes=FALSE)
- axis(1, at=bad$Category)
- axis(2, at=bad$Count, las=1)
The source of this odd picture is clear: the 10-star category is 7
times bigger than the 1-star category, so the absolute counts do not
necessarily reflect the rate of usage.
Before moving on to more useful measures, I want to pause to create
a general function for plotting that is more useful than the defaults
provided by R. In particular, I would like to follow the advice of
Tufte (2006): the axis labels will be
actual values from the data, displayed intuitively:
- ## This function does a basic plot of the sort that we will
- ## want to do a lot, with Tufte-inspired axis labels.
- ## Arguments:
- ## x: the x-axis data vector
- ## y: the y-axis data vector
- ## digits: rounding for the y-axis (default: 2)
- ## ylim: limits for the y-axis, as a vector (default: c(min(y), max(y)))
- ## log: log-scale axis (default: '' means no log-scale; options are y, x, xy)
- ## main: a string to use as the main (plot title) argument (default: '')
- ## xlab: a string to label the x-axis (default: 'Category')
- ## ylab: a string to label the y-axis (default: '')
- WordPlot = function(x, y, digits=2, ylim=c(min(y), max(y)), log='',
main='', xlab='Category', ylab=''){
- plot(x, y,
main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
pch=19, type='b', axes=FALSE)
- axis(1, at=x)
- axis(2, at=y, labels=round(y, digits), las=1)
- }
Using this function, you can recreate the left panel in
figure COUNTS:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$Count, digits=0,
main='Counts of (bad, a) in IMDB', ylab='Count')
To get relative frequency values, we divide
the Count values by the
corresponding Total values. The following
command adds these values as the rightmost column in our bad
- ## Add the column of relative frequency values to the bad subframe.
- bad$RelFreq = bad$Count / bad$Total
- ## View the results.
- bad
- Word Tag Category Count Total RelFreq
37201 bad a 1 122232 25395214 0.0048131904
37202 bad a 2 40491 11755132 0.0034445381
37203 bad a 3 37787 13995838 0.0026998741
37204 bad a 4 33070 14963866 0.0022099904
37205 bad a 5 39205 20390515 0.0019227077
37206 bad a 6 43101 27420036 0.0015718798
37207 bad a 7 46696 40192077 0.0011618210
37208 bad a 8 42228 48723444 0.0008666875
37209 bad a 9 29588 40277743 0.0007345993
37210 bad a 10 51778 73948447 0.0007001905
Relative frequency values are hard to get a grip on intuitively
because they are so small. Plotting helps bring out the relationships
between the values:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$RelFreq,
main='RelFreq (log-scale) of (bad, a) in IMDB',
ylab='', digits=5, log='y')
RelFreq values seem to bring out
important usage patterns. The imbalances in the size of the
underlying categories seem to have disappeared. (However,
see Baayen 2001
for detailed disussion of how corpus size can affect word
distributions, though most of the concerns relate to vocabulary
One drawback to RelFreq values is that
they are highly sensitive to overall frequency. For
example, (bad, a) is significantly more
frequent than
(horrible, a), which means that the RelFreq values for the two words are hard to
directly compare. The following code attempts to do that, by putting
them side-by-side and stretching the y-axis enough to include all of
the values for both of them:
- ## Set-up 'horrible' as we did for 'bad':
- horrible = subset(imdb, Word=='horrible' & Tag=='a')
- horrible$RelFreq = horrible$Count / horrible$Total
- ## Determine appropriate common y-axis limits:
- yvals = c(bad$RelFreq, horrible$RelFreq)
- ylims = c(min(yvals), max(yvals))
- ## Set up a double-panel plot window:
- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
- ## Plots:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$RelFreq,
main='RelFreq (log-scale) for (bad, a) in IMDB',
ylab='', ylim=ylims, digits=5, log='y')
- WordPlot(horrible$Category, horrible$RelFreq,
main='RelFreq (log-scale) for (horrible, a) in IMDB',
ylab='', ylim=ylims, digits=5, log='y')
It is, I think, possible to discern
that (bad, a) is less extreme in its negativity
than (horrible, a). However, the effect looks
subtle. The next measure we look at abstracts away from overall
frequency, which facilitates this kind of direct comparison.
A drawback to RelFreq values, at least
for present purposes, is that they are extremely sensitive to the
overall frequency of the word in question. There is a comparable value
that is insensitive to this quantity:
- bad$Pr = bad$RelFreq / sum(bad$RelFreq)
- bad
- Word Tag Category Count Total RelFreq Pr
37201 bad a 1 122232 25395214 0.0048131904 0.23915905
37202 bad a 2 40491 11755132 0.0034445381 0.17115310
37203 bad a 3 37787 13995838 0.0026998741 0.13415204
37204 bad a 4 33070 14963866 0.0022099904 0.10981058
37205 bad a 5 39205 20390515 0.0019227077 0.09553600
37206 bad a 6 43101 27420036 0.0015718798 0.07810397
37207 bad a 7 46696 40192077 0.0011618210 0.05772886
37208 bad a 8 42228 48723444 0.0008666875 0.04306419
37209 bad a 9 29588 40277743 0.0007345993 0.03650096
37210 bad a 10 51778 73948447 0.0007001905 0.03479125
Pr values are just rescaled RelFreq
values: we divide by a constant to get
from RelFreq
to Pr. As a result, the distributions have
exactly the same shape; compare the following with
figure RELFREQ:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$Pr,
main='Pr for (bad, a) in IMDB', ylab='Pr (log-scale)', log='y')
A technical note: The move from RelFreq
to Pr actually involves an application of
Bayes Rule.
- RelFreq values can be thought of as
estimates of the conditional
distribution P(word|rating): given
that I am in rating
category rating, how likely am I
to produce word?
- Bayes Rule allows us to obtain the inverse
distribution P(rating|word):
P(rating|word) = P(word|rating)P(rating) / P(word)
- However, we would not want to directly apply this rule, because
of the term P(rating) in the
numerator. That would naturally be approximated by the
distribution given by Total, as in
figure TOTALS,
which would simply re-introduce all of those unwanted biases.
- Thus, we keep P(rating) constant, which is just to say that we
leave it out:
P(word|rating) / P(word)
where P(word) = sum(RelFreq).
Pr values greatly facilitate comparisons
between words:
- ## Add Pr values for 'horrible':
- horrible$Pr = horrible$RelFreq/sum(horrible$RelFreq)
- ## Determine appropriate common y-axis limits:
- yvals = c(bad$Pr, horrible$Pr)
- ylims = c(min(yvals), max(yvals))
- ## Set up a double-panel plot window:
- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
- ## Plots:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$Pr,
main='Pr for (bad, a) in IMDB',
ylab='Pr (log-scale)', ylim=ylims, log='y')
- WordPlot(horrible$Category, horrible$Pr,
main='Pr for (horrible, a) in IMDB',
ylab='Pr (log-scale)', ylim=ylims, log='y')
I think these plots clearly convey that (bad,
a) is less intensely negative
than (horrible, a). For example,
whereas (bad, a) is at least used
throughout the scale, even at the top, (horrible,
a) is effectively never used at the top of the scale.
exercise PREX
It's useful to pause at this point to generalize the process of
grabbing a word's phrase frame and
adding RelFreq
and Pr values:
- ## Get the subframe for a word and add RelFreq and Pr values.
- ## Arguments:
- ## df: a data-frame in the format of imdb-words.csv
- ## word: any string
- ## tag: any string (but should be a, n, r, or v)
- ## Value: the word frame with new distribution values.
- WordFrame = function(df, word, tag){
- pf = subset(df, Word==word & Tag==tag)
- ## Exit if the word isn't in df:
- if(nrow(pf)==0){
- print(paste('Ack: (', word, ',', tag, ') not in database', sep=''))
- return()
- }
- ## Add the values:
- pf$RelFreq = pf$Count / pf$Total
- pf$Pr = pf$RelFreq / sum(pf$RelFreq)
- ## Return the augmented frame:
- return(pf)
- }
exercise REGEX
This section develops two methods for studying the distributions
more closely, moving beyond impressions based on plots to get at some
more objective measures of what the distributions are like and how
confident we can be that they meaningfully reflect usage patterns (as
opposed to being just quirks traceable to low overall frequency,
quirks in the data, etc.).
Expected ratings calculations are used by
de Marneffe et al. 2010
to summarize Pr-based distributions. The expected rating calculation is just a weighted average of
Pr values.
- badEr = sum(bad$Category * bad$Pr)
To get a feel for these values, it helps to work through a couple
examples. In the first, we assume that 100% of the tokens of the word
in question are in the 10 star review:
- ## Example 1
- ## Suppose the word occurs only in 10-star reviews:
- pr = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
- ## The Categories are as usual:
- cats = seq(1,10)
- cats
- [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- ## The multiplication step:
- x = pr * cats
- x
- [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
- ## The summation step:
- sum(x)
- 10
In the next example, we add some tokens to the middle of the scale:
- ## Example 2
- ## Suppose we add a little mass to the 5-star category:
- pr = c(0,0,0,0, 0.2, 0,0,0,0, 0.8)
- ## The multiplication step:
- x = pr * cats
- x
- [1] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8
- ## The ER was dragged down a bit by the mass at 5-stars:
- sum(x)
- 9
The following code adds the ER value to our
plots (bad,
a) Pr plot:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$Pr,
main='Pr for (bad, a) in IMDB', ylab='Pr')
- abline(v=badEr, col='red')
- ## The first two arguments to legend are x,y coordinates for placement.
- ## The third is the text itself.
- legend(8, y=max(bad$Pr), paste('ER =', round(badEr,2)), fill='red')
We will use expected ratings later, as one method for building
scales, so here is a general utility for creating them from a word's
phrase frame:
- ## Expected ratings for words.
- ## Argument:
- ## pf: a phrase frame produced by WordFrame
- ## Value: The expected rating for pf
- ExpectedRating = function(pf){
- sum(pf$Category * pf$Pr)
- }
Expected ratings are easy to calculate and quite intuitive, but it
is hard to know how confident we can be in them, because they are
insensitive to the amount and kind of data that went into
them. Suppose the ER for words v
and w are both 10, but we have 500 tokens
of v and just 10 tokens
of w. This suggests that we can have a high
degree of confidence in our ER for v, but
not for
w. However, ER values don't encode this
uncertainty, nor is there an obvious way to capture it.
Logistic regression provides a useful way to do the work of ERs but
with the added benefits of having a model and associated test
statistics and measures of confidence. For our purposes, we can stick
to a simple model that uses Category values
to predict word usage. The intuition here is just the one that we have
been working with so far: the star-ratings are correlated with the
usage of some words. For a word like (bad,
a), the correlation is negative: usage drops as the ratings get
higher. For a word like (amazing, a), the
correlation is positive. (You can check this quickly
using WordFrame
to build the frame
and WordPlot to
plot the associated RelFreq
or Pr values.)
With our logistic regression models, we will essentially fit lines
through our RelFreq data points, just as
one would with a linear regression involving one predictor. However,
the logistic regression model fits these values in log-odds space and
uses the inverse logit function (plogis in R) to ensure that all the
predicted values lie in [0,1], i.e., that they are all true
probability values. Unfortunately, there is not enough time to go into
much more detail about the nature of this kind of modelling. I refer
to Gelman and Hill 2008, §5-6
for an accessible, empirically-driven overview. Instead, let's simply
fit a model and try to build up intuitions about what it does and
- badFit = glm(cbind(bad$Count, bad$Total-bad$Count) ~ Category,
family=quasibinomial, data=bad)
Here, we use R's glm (generalized linear
model) function to predict log-odds values based
on Category. The
expression cbind(bad$Count,
bad$Total-bad$Count) is used internally
by glm to derive the log-odds
distribution. Category is our usual vector
star ratings.
Let's begin by inspecting the coefficients for this fit:
- badFit$coef
- (Intercept) Category
-5.1625218 -0.2228004
We can also plot the model in log-odds space:
- ## Add log-odds values:
- bad$LogOdds = log(bad$Count / (bad$Total-bad$Count))
- ## Plot the log-odds values:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$LogOdds, main='Log-odds for (bad, a)', ylab='Log-odds')
- ## Add the model fit to the plot:
- curve(badFit$coef[1] + badFit$coef[2]*x, col='blue', add=TRUE)
It also helps intuitions to calculate some sample values and
compare them to the empirical log-odds that we added to the frame.
- rating = 1
- -5.1625218 + (-0.2228004*rating)
- [1] -5.385322 ## Empirical = -5.331570
- rating = 5
- -5.1625218 + (-0.2228004*rating)
- [1] -6.276524 ## Empirical = -6.252096
- rating = 10
- -5.1625218 + (-0.2228004*rating)
- [1] -7.390526 ## Empirical = -7.263458
Log-odds values are notoriously hard to interpret. It is more
intuitive to think about what is happening in probability space. To do
this, we apply the inverse logit function to the model estimates:
- rating = 1
- plogis(-5.1625218 + (-0.2228004*rating))
- [1] 0.004562452 ## Empirical = 0.0048131904
- rating = 5
- plogis(-5.1625218 + (-0.2228004*rating))
- [1] 0.001876397 ## Empirical = 0.0019227077
- rating = 10
- plogis(-5.1625218 + (-0.2228004*rating))
- [1] 0.0006166909 ## Empirical = 0.0007001905
R actually provides these fitted values. The default way they
display isn't great (try badFit$fitted),
so let's add them directly to our frame:
- ## Fitted values for our model:
- bad$Fitted = badFit$fitted
- bad
- bad
- Word Tag Category Count Total RelFreq Pr LogOdds Fitted
37201 bad a 1 122232 25395214 0.0048131904 0.23915905 -5.331570 0.0045624517
37202 bad a 2 40491 11755132 0.0034445381 0.17115310 -5.667515 0.0036545440
37203 bad a 3 37787 13995838 0.0026998741 0.13415204 -5.911847 0.0029267748
37204 bad a 4 33070 14963866 0.0022099904 0.10981058 -6.112555 0.0023435932
37205 bad a 5 39205 20390515 0.0019227077 0.09553600 -6.252096 0.0018763963
37206 bad a 6 43101 27420036 0.0015718798 0.07810397 -6.453910 0.0015021951
37207 bad a 7 46696 40192077 0.0011618210 0.05772886 -6.756604 0.0012025293
37208 bad a 8 42228 48723444 0.0008666875 0.04306419 -7.049965 0.0009625847
37209 bad a 9 29588 40277743 0.0007345993 0.03650096 -7.215451 0.0007704802
37210 bad a 10 51778 73948447 0.0007001905 0.03479125 -7.263458 0.0006166906
Let's put all this together into the most information rich,
intuitive plot we can muster:
- ## Plot the RelFreq values:
- WordPlot(bad$Category, bad$RelFreq, main='Logistic regression for (bad, a)',
ylab='RelFreq', digits=5)
- ## Add the fitted values:
- points(bad$Category, bad$Fitted, col='blue', pch=18)
- ## Interpolate a curve through the fitted values:
- curve(plogis(badFit$coef[1] + badFit$coef[2]*x), col='blue', add=TRUE)
- ## Model information:
- text(8, max(bad$RelFreq),
paste('plogis(', round(badFit$coef[1], 2), ' + ', round(badFit$coef[2], 2), '*rating)'),
There is one more ingredient to add: p-values. To see the p-values
for the model:
- summary(badFit)$coef
- Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -5.1625218 0.045893962 -112.48804 4.358921e-14
Category -0.2228004 0.007969772 -27.95569 2.894226e-09
These provide us with an estimate of how much confidence we can
have in our model. You can extract them from the above table with
summary(badFit)$coef[1,4] (for the intercept) and
(for the Category coefficient). We aren't concerned here with the
Intercept value, so let's define a function that extracts the Category
p-value and also delivers it in a format suitable for printing:
- ## Prevent R from printing '0' for a p value, which is impossible.
- ## Input: a model fit produced by WordLogit.
- ## Output: a string representing the p value as an equality or inequality (if it is tiny).
- ExtractPrintableP = function(fit){
- p = summary(fit)$coef[2,4]
- pp = ''
- if (p < 0.001){ pp = 'p < 0.001' }
- else { pp = paste('p =', round(p, 3)) }
- return(pp)
- }
To round out this section, let's define a general method for
fitting our simple logistic regression:
- ## Fit a model for a word's frame.
- ## Argument: a phrase frame of the sort produced by WordFrame
- ## Output: the fitted model
- WordLogit = function(pf){
- fit = glm(cbind(pf$Count, pf$Total-pf$Count) ~ Category, family=quasibinomial, data=pf)
- return(fit)
- }
exercise WORDCMP
We would like a function that allows us to visualize
the Pr values of words really quickly,
given one of the data sets:
- ## Arguments:
- ## df: a dataframe like imdb
- ## word: any string
- ## tag: any string, but should be one of a, n, v, r
- ## ylim: allows the user to specify the y-axis limits (default: c(0, 0.3))
- WordDisplay = function(df, word, tag, ylim=c(0,0.3)){
- pf = WordFrame(df, word, tag)
- ## Basic plotting:
- title = paste('(', word, ',', tag, ') -- ', sum(pf$Count), ' tokens', sep= '')
- WordPlot(pf$Category, pf$Pr, main=title, ylim=ylim)
- ## Get the expected rating:
- er = ExpectedRating(pf)
- abline(v=er, col='red')
- ## Try to avoid having the text we add overlap the data:
- textx = 10
- textpos = 2
- if(max(er > 6)){ textx = 1; textpos=4 }
- text(textx, max(ylim), paste('ER = ', round(er,2), sep=''), col='red', pos=textpos)
- ## Fit the model:
- fit = WordLogit(pf)
- ## Add the fitted values:
- points(fit$fitted/sum(pf$RelFreq), col='blue', pch=18)
- ## Interpolate a curve through the fitted values.
- curve(plogis(fit$coef[1] + fit$coef[2]*x)/sum(pf$RelFreq), col='blue', add=TRUE)
- ## The text annotation.
- pp = ExtractPrintableP(fit)
- text(textx, max(ylim)*0.9,
paste('Category coef. = ', round(fit$coef[2], 2), ' (', pp, ')', sep=''),
col='blue', pos=textpos)
- }
To close some comparisons that help to bring out how the
coefficients and p-values might be useful as a filter:
- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
- WordDisplay(imdb, 'awful', 'a', ylim=c(0,0.35))
- WordDisplay(imdb, 'great', 'a', ylim=c(0,0.35))
- WordDisplay(imdb, 'aardvark', 'n', ylim=c(0,0.35))
exercise DISPLAY,
exercise SALT,
exercie QUAD
We can use the ER and logistic regression values to order all the
lexical items. First, let's create a separate table containing just
the ER value, Category coefficient, and Category p value for each word
in the vocabulary. To do this efficiently, I first define an auxiliary
function that, given a word's frame, gets these values for us:
- ## This subfunction calculates assesment values for a word based on a subframe.
- ## Argument: A Word's subframe directly from the main CSV source file.
- ## (Pr and RelFreq are added as part of this function.)
- ## Value: a vector (er, coef, coef.p).
- WordAssess = function(pf){
- ## Build up the subframe as usual:
- pf$RelFreq = pf$Count/pf$Total
- pf$Pr = pf$RelFreq / sum(pf$RelFreq)
- ## ER value.
- er = ExpectedRating(pf)
- ## Logit and the coefficient values. (We don't need the intercept values.)
- fit = WordLogit(pf)
- coef = fit$coef[2]
- coef.p = summary(fit)$coef[2,4]
- ## Return a vector of assessment values, which ddply will add to its columns:
- return(cbind(er, coef, coef.p))
- }
The function ddply from
the plyr library efficiently handles
grouping words (based
on Word–Tag
identity) and sending those subframes to
WordAssess for the needed values, then
adding them to a data.frame:
- ## Load the library for the ddply function.
- library(plyr)
- VocabAssess = function(df){
- ## ddply takes care of grouping into words and
- ## then applying WordAssess to those subframes.
- ## It will also display a textual progress bar.
- vals = ddply(df, c('Word', 'Tag'), WordAssess, .progress='text')
- ## Add intuitive column names.
- colnames(vals) = c('Word', 'Tag', 'ER', 'Coef', 'P')
- return(vals)
- }
It will take your computer a long time to generate the ER values
for either of these large files. For safety, save to a file so that
you can use it later:
- imdbAssess = VocabAssess(imdb)
- write.csv(imdbAssess, 'imdb-words-assess.csv', row.names=FALSE)
Here's a link to my version of this assessment file:
Only a small percentage of the words in the vocabulary meet the
0.001 significance threshold:
- ## Create subframes of significant and non-significant words:
- sig = subset(imdbAssess, P < 0.001)
- nonsig = subset(imdbAssess, P >= 0.001)
- ## See how discriminating the threshold is:
- nrow(sig)
- [1] 5622
- nrow(nonsig)
- [1] 57482
- nrow(sig) / nrow(imdbAssess)
- [1] 0.08909102
The coefficient values and ERs are intimately related:
- ## Outliers make the full plot hard to read.
- plot(imdbAssess$ER, imdbAssess$Coef, pch=20)
- points(sig$ER, sig$Coef, pch=20, col='green')
- ## Zoom in:
- plot(imdbAssess$ER, imdbAssess$Coef, pch=20, ylim=c(-2,2))
- points(sig$ER, sig$Coef, pch=20, col='green')
- legend(2, 2, 'Significant', fill='green')
The significant subset seems of most interest, since we can
count on its estimates more. A first thing to notice about it is that
its distribution relative to categories is different from that of the
larger population, presumably because some categories are more scalar,
in the requisite sense, than others.
- sigDist = xtabs(~ sig$Tag)/nrow(sig)
- imdbAssessDist = xtabs(~ imdbAssess$Tag)/nrow(imdbAssess)
- m = matrix(c(imdbAssessDist, sigDist), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
- rownames(m) = c('Full', 'Sig')
- colnames(m) = c('a', 'n', 'r', 'v')
- ## Add a little extra space to the right to accommodate labels there.
- par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1)
- barplot(m, main='Full dist compared with sig. subset', beside=TRUE, axes=FALSE, legend=TRUE)
- axis(2, at=imdbAssessDist, labels=round(imdbAssessDist, 2), las=1)
- axis(4, at=sigDist, labels=round(sigDist, 2), las=1, col='gray')
Since scalar comparisons are likely to be between items of the same
category, it seems smart to limit attention to specific
categories. Let's check out the adjectives, which have poor coverage
in the WordNet hierarchy:
- a = subset(sig, Tag=='a')
- a = a[order(a$Coef), ]
- head(a, 20)[ , c('Word', 'ER', 'Coef')]
- Word ER Coef
58612 unfunniest 2.013389 -0.6582459
3438 avoid 2.393120 -0.5346832
53241 stinker 2.513412 -0.4510868
6596 braindead 2.680215 -0.4480195
53678 stunk 2.703793 -0.4439793
58678 unimaginitive 2.600913 -0.4366011
40239 overestimated 2.806352 -0.4293779
54382 suspenseless 3.008162 -0.4232574
47504 rubbishy 2.506787 -0.4200947
58190 unclever 2.828458 -0.4157907
6340 borefest 2.679231 -0.4139886
12052 crappier 2.675727 -0.4029694
39321 offal 2.606780 -0.3984035
12060 craptastic 2.728813 -0.3977646
12054 crappiest 2.669730 -0.3921581
21679 gawdawful 2.769799 -0.3902551
58613 unfunny 2.954844 -0.3858909
45499 redeeming 2.928084 -0.3830881
58497 unentertaining 2.928676 -0.3806702
32544 lobotomized 2.898316 -0.3765344
- tail(a, 20)[ , c('Word', 'ER', 'Coef')]
- Word ER Coef
54128 superb 7.702853 0.3033280
41855 phenomenal 7.518168 0.3059820
45914 remastered 7.611093 0.3064188
33567 magnificient 7.731553 0.3118090
56265 timeless 7.530968 0.3132090
25815 hooked 7.646278 0.3297160
19985 flawless 7.773292 0.3341107
58793 unmatched 7.690208 0.3371698
58585 unforgettable 7.827416 0.3473440
59071 unsurpassed 7.657241 0.3509939
17378 enchanting 8.050419 0.3628247
24652 heartbreaking 8.016746 0.3765169
35478 mesmerizing 8.151436 0.3844013
58290 underated 8.014425 0.3943638
13821 delorean 8.157941 0.4043632
58411 undeservedly 8.539708 0.4062378
44910 ran 8.120743 0.4268429
37061 moving 8.220502 0.4525662
58584 unforgetable 8.538467 0.5552966
23392 groundhog 9.083772 0.6264243
These lists look pretty good. There is some influence of the
underlying domain, but that could perhaps be weeded out via other
resources. See the exercises for more on that.
exercise IQAP,
exercise SENTI
following data-frame gives some review-level information for the IMDB
Read it in and then: (i) create a barplot of the review sizes, (ii)
create a percentage-wise barplot that gives the review counts and the
word counts side-by-side, and (iii) plot the average word counts
relative to the categories. For each plot, give the commands you used
as well as a few sentences summarizing what useful conclusions we
might draw from the plots (things we might keep in mind when doing
PREX In creating the Pr
estimates, I applied Bayes Rule under the assumption of a uniform
prior. What happens if we include the prior information? For this,
you can use the following counts of reviews to calculate
Pr(rating), the probabilities for
the rating categories. (This problem can be done with supplementary R
code, or just in prose and math.)
- reviewCounts = c(124587, 51390, 58051, 59781, 80487,
106145, 157005, 195378, 170531, 358441)
REGEX It's often
useful to be able to group words by regular expression. The
following function will do this, using grepl:
- RegexSearch = function(df, regex){
- results = subset(df, grepl(regex, df$Word))
- return(results)
- }
Modify and extend
WordFrame so that
the user can add the optional keyword
argument regex=TRUE and search by regular
expression instead of string. (The only trick here is that the
corresponding Count values should be added,
which can easily be done with xtabs, but
the Tag
and Total values should not be added, since
they are constant across different strings.)
(While you are at it, you might like to allow regexs over
the Tag value as well. The technique is the
same; perhaps one wants
and tagRegex=TRUE/FALSE to control the
Explore a few other words
using WordDisplay,
to get a feel for what the data are like. Then pick a handful of
words and state your expectations for what their profiles should be
like and how they should compare. Then issue the command
where wc is the number of words to
compare, following by WordDisplay
commands for each of the words. To what extent are your
expectations born out?
The files imdb-unigrams.csv and
fivestarreviews-unigrams.csv in the
archive potts-salt20-data-and-code.zip
have the same basic structure
as imdb-words.csv except that they lack
tag information. (They are much bigger, though.) Adjust the plotting
and analysis functions given above so that the Tag argument is
optional and, if not given, ignored. Then perhaps try out some
analysis with these larger data sets.
Use WordDisplay to
plot (absolutely,
r), (totally, r),
and (ever, r). The values that we've
derived seem problematic. How? One way to correct this is to
build a second kind of logit model, this one with a component that
squares the rating value. (For details,
see Potts and Schwarz 2009.) Write a
function for fitting such models and diplaying them. (It might be
nice to allow users of WordDisplay to pick which kind of model
they want to fit, via a keyword argument.)
IQAP (This problem
pairs well with the corresponding one
for WordNet.) Recall that the iqap.Item
methods question_contrast_pred_trees() and
answer_contrast_pred_trees() extract the
subtrees rooted at -CONTRAST nodes from the questions and
answers. If we are going to use the review data to compare these
trees, then we should first get a sense for how well they cover the
IQAP data. As a first step towards doing this, the following code
loops through the development set of the IQAP corpus, pulling just
the items that have a single '-CONTRAST' word in both the question
and the answer. Finish this code so that it provides an assessment
of the coverage.
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import csv
- from iqap import IqapReader
- def get_all_imdb_scores(src_filename):
- """
- Turns the imdb-assess.csv data into a dictionary mapping
- (word, tag) pairs to dictionaries of values.
- Argument: the file imdb-words-assess.csv as the R function VocabAssess
- Value: vals -- a mapping from (word, tag) pairs to dictionaries
- {'Word':word, 'Tag':tag, 'ER':float, 'Coef':float: 'P':float}
- """
- vals = defaultdict(dict)
- csvreader = csv.reader(file(src_filename))
- header = csvreader.next()
- for row in csvreader:
- d = dict(zip(header, row))
- for label in ('ER', 'Coef', 'P'):
- d[label] = float(d[label])
- vals[(word, tag)] = d
- return vals
- def check_review_one_worder_coverage(p=1):
- corpus = IqapReader('iqap-data.csv')
- for item in corpus.dev_set():
- q_words = item.question_contrast_pred_pos()
- a_words = item.answer_contrast_pred_pos()
- if len(q_words) == 1 and len(a_words) == 1:
- # Use the output of get_all_imdb_scores to compare the two somehow:
- # In doing this, allow the user to use the value suppled as the
- # keyword argument p to control whether two words are really related.
This exercise from the WordNet
section maps the SentiWordNet scores to a CSV file. Compare
those scores with those
of imdb-assess.csv
(ER values
or Coef values, with or without using
the p-value as a threshold.). How do the two resources compare?
Do they seem to provide conflicting, complementary, and/or
correlated information? Which seems more useful and/or more
Figure BHPR informally compares
(bad, a)
and (horrible, a). The visual
impression is that (horrible, a) is the
more strongly negative of the pair: it is used hardly at all in
the most positive categories, and then begins a very steep rise to
1 star. The trend for (bad, a) is
similar, but its inverse correlation with the ratings is more
We would like to make these comparisons more rigorous, with a
defined method and some assessment of confidence in the contrasts
we think we've found. Intuitively, we would like to compare the
logistic regression fits to see whether their coefficients for
rating are significantly different. Propose a method for doing
that and illustrate how it works for (bad,
a) and (horrible, a).
Reveal/Hide a partial solution
Davis (2011: 222ff)
develops a technique for comparing whether one
logistic regression fit is reliably different form another. I
illustrate his technique by way of (bad,
a) and (horrible, a).
Step 1: Get the data.frame and add a column distinguishing
the two words:
- imdb = read.csv('imdb-words.csv')
- pf = subset(imdb, Word %in% c('bad', 'horrible') & Tag=='a')
- pf$stronger = pf$Word == 'horrible'
Step 2: Fit a logistic regression using Category
and stronger as interacting predictors:
- fit = glm(cbind(Count, Total-Count) ~ Category * stronger, data=pf, family=quasibinomial)
Step 3: View and interpret the results:
- summary(fit)
- [...]
- Coefficients:
- Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
- (Intercept) -5.162522 0.044157 -116.91 < 2e-16 ***
- Category -0.222800 0.007668 -29.05 2.84e-15 ***
- strongerTRUE -2.160541 0.144531 -14.95 8.04e-11 ***
- Category:strongerTRUE -0.050527 0.027014 -1.87 0.0798 .
- [...]
The interaction term Category:strongerTRUE says that
strongerTRUE correlates negatively with Category (rating).
That is, where the word is (horrible, a), we have an increase
in the inverse correlation seen in the negative value for the Category coefficient.
The negative coefficient for strongerTRUE just reflects the fact that
(bad, a) is much more frequent
than (horrible, a).