Course information

Time: Tuesdays and Fridays, 3:30-5:15 pm, July 8 – August 2

Location: KOBL 375

Instructor: Christopher Potts ()

Office: University Club 216

Office hours:

General resources

  1. Brief student survey
  2. Course overview and computer set-up
  3. Code and data directory listing
  4. Final project ideas
  5. Course bibliography
  6. Course email archive


July 8, 12, 15

  1. Background on conversational implicature
  2. The indirect question–answer pairs corpus
  3. Learning lexical scales:
    1. WordNet and SentiWordNet
    2. Review data
  4. Experiments: Enriching indirect answers

July 19, 22

  1. The Switchboard Dialog Act Corpus
  2. Experiment: Question acts and interrogative clauses in the SwDA
  3. Analysis: Clustering words by tags in the SwDA

July 26, 29

  1. Introduction to the Penn Discourse Treebank 2.0
  2. Predicting Implicit coherence relations in the Penn Discourse Treebank 2.0

August 2

  1. Team Banana Slugs vs. Team Banana Wugs: which team has the best model for predicting Implicit coherence relations?
  2. FactBank and the Stanford PragBank Extension